Mittwoch, 18. März 2009

Group "Attacking The Incurable - Natural Fibromyalgia Relief"

Join our group "Natural Fibromyalgia Relief - Attacking The Incurable" on Facebook.

Here is the link:

Looking forward to meet you there.

Montag, 2. März 2009

My Fibromyalgia Journey

It started about 20 years ago when I increasingly got more and more tired and felt sick. But the doctors could not find anything. At the same time I had muscle pain in the left upper arm started, which had increased over a number of years. In addition, my memory and concentration decreased. Although I would say that I am in general quite smart I very often felt like an idiot when I was searching for the appropriate words or terms. When I wanted to say something, I would forget what I wanted to say while I was actually talking. Regular tasks like paying bills or any other administrative works became close to impossible over the years. What drove me crazy most was that I did not remember where I had put things just minutes before. I asked my physician if I might have Alzheimer’s, but he just laughed at me.

Through my profession as a success and life coach I liked listening to people and was trained to listen well to what people where saying. But listening was increasingly difficult and one day I had to realize that after a couple of minutes of listening to other people they had lost me because my brain was not able anymore to bring the words I had just heard into the right context. All I was hearing was a mumbling that did not make any sense to me – or rather a noise.

The worst thing was that I did not know what was going on in and with my body. Nobody could tell me. And since I was merely living in kind of a “cloudy” state it took me years to realize what was really going on. As a matter of fact I started to realize this disease in its whole context only after I got a lot better. But since I did not realize what was going on I was not able to effectively communicate to others what was going on with me. As a matter of fact, I’ve even lost some friends due to the symptoms of this illness.

My symptoms started in my early thirties and slowly increased. During the following 20 years they became so bad that I could not work anymore and some years later my doctor placed me on disability pension – which they found the “main” reason was depression. The reason for this diagnosis was my constant fatigue. Today my new doctor and I know that all this was not a psychological problem but in fact it had a name: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). But until just recently I still did not know what this Fibromyalgia really was and what symptoms were connected to that disease. Neither did my family doctor.

Then I was sent to the hospital where I spent a full week for tests. They scanned my brain for tumors (because of my head-aches and dizziness), my heart (because of my chest pain), my stomach and colon (because of the irritation and the pain). They placed me in the sleep lavatory to monitor my sleep because they thought I had sleep apnea – after all there had to be a reason why I felt so tired. Of course they did not find any of these problems. So the conclusion was again: ‘depression’. Did you ever feel that your family doctor had kind of a dirty smile in his face when he saw your test results – and you knew exactly that he thought you were wasting his time with unbelievable symptoms? Well, my doctor did. It was not difficult to read his face at all.
The biggest problem was that there was nothing I could take for a relief. The only thing offered to me was Cortisone, and since I know what it does to the body this was way out of question for me right from the beginning. The only thing my family doctor had to offer me on top of that was pain killers. But because my body is not used to medication I did not react well on them and had to do without. I know that you can get addicted to them, so I didn’t really mind having to live a life without painkillers. But I had to live with my pain until I found an alternative solution.

By the early 2000’s the symptoms became so bad that I could hardly do anything. But what do you do all day long when you are still young enough to turn the world around? I tried to read, but never remembered after what I was reading – I did it nevertheless, hoping that this might help slow down the degenerative process. There is only a certain amount of hours you can stand to watch TV. However, there were many times when I just wished I could have died. I would never end my life myself, but there were many moments when I prayed that I could go. If I would say that there was no quality to my life, this would be an understatement; I merely existed. However, this year I turned 53, I guess I will have to wait a little bit for that.

In summer 2004 I then heard about new products that were supposed to help the body to reverse severe diseases like cancer and Fibromyalgia. First I was totally excited and could not wait to learn more. But then my mind intervened and I thought, “That’s certainly just another ‘best’ product of which we already have thousands”. Over the years I have tried about everything there is on the natural, holistic, alternative and complementary health market and nothing had helped. Besides, since I was living below the poverty line with my disability pension there was no way I could afford that. The fact that over the last ten years I had spent ten thousands of dollars in products and therapies to no avail, made it even easier for me to not taking it into consideration.

But then in December 2004 I received a call from a friend who runs a pharmacy and who specializes in alternative cancer treatment. He told me the most incredible story I had ever heard:

One of his clients had been diagnosed with cancer and his tumor had already reached the size of about five inches in diameter. The family was looking for alternatives to the traditional medicine and since my friend has a good reputation in alternative cancer treatments they consulted him. He gave this patient the mentioned products and told him to drink a lot of water besides taking these supplements. A week later they realized that the tumor had started to move – towards the surface of the body. Another week later it had reached the skin where it burst and discharged. This “cleansing process” lasted about ten to fourteen days and after that the wound started to close. That was it. That was the whole story.

I am telling this story because I have learned during the last four years that our body has the capacity to get rid of any disease if it has the right nourishment. There is no big difference between a pimple and a tumor – for the body. It just treats both the same way, if it can.

However, when I heard this, the hope arose that these products might also help me with my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and my friend encouraged me to give it a try. My next question was, “How on earth shall I pay for that?” After a few days I suddenly realized that I was asking the wrong question. The question should NOT have been “Can I afford these supplements?” but “Can I afford not to take them?” Like I told you, I was too young to die and had absolutely no quality of life. At that moment I could not imagine how to live another twenty years like that. The next morning I woke up with the answer already in my heart. I knew what I had to do; I could not afford NOT to give it a try. At that point there was far more to lose than my money.

So I invested $100 (what was huge for me back then) and postponed to pay one of my bills.

The fourth day being on these supplements I suddenly realized that I was working for six hours uninterrupted on my computer. I soon became hungry—not tired from working such long hours, but hungry. This was another miracle since I had not been particularly that hungry for the last ten years. I thought this might be an exception. But the next day I tried again: I was working four hours before getting tired. The day after: eight hours. The day after that: eight hours again. This was the moment when I stopped believing in a coincidence.

But then the unbelievable thing happened: for the next two weeks I totally forgot to take these products. I guess my subconscious mind wanted to proof it wrong.

The first week I could go on working for eight hours a day, then the fatigue came back, each day a little bit more and I found myself more and more sitting and laying on my sofa, like in “old” times, not knowing whether I should watch TV or sleep. Two weeks later I was totally back to “normal”: the thick fog around me, muscle pain, fatigue that physically ached, not finding the right words, having problems concentrating, falling asleep several times a day wherever I was, and even the fears and anxieties that I did not have during the time of taking the products, all came back. That’s when I realized that these products even have an impact on the psychological side. Now I HAD to believe. I could no longer ignore and negate it. After taking these supplements frequently my energy and stamina soon returned. Since then I work between eight and twelve hours every day, six days a week – with the exception of another break. I have now been taking these products for almost five years.

These nutrients have saved my life and maybe it will save the lives of many other people as well. So I have dedicated my work to distribute this knowledge and be of assistance to other affected people.

My gratefulness goes beyond my ability to express it.

Copyright 2009 by Maja Iten

About the Author:

I’m a life and health coach since 1984. I suffered from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for more than 15 years and was even put on disability pension for 8 years. My intensive search for answers and my unwillingness to accept my FMS/CFS to be ‘incurable’ led to new very interesting answers. Through trial and error I have found a combination of treatments and methods that gave me relief to an extent that I’m now mostly symptom free. Because I want to share my experiences with other concerned people I wrote the e-book “Attacking The Incurable – Healthy & Natural Ways of Fibromyalgia Relief”.

What is Fibromyalgia? - New Causes Found

What you will hear in this and any following articles may surprise you. It is not what you may be expecting to hear and for most of my readers this might be a very new approach.

For many years I have been told by my former family doctor that I had soft-tissue rheumatism. For me rheumatism was just connected with muscle pain, but was nothing serious. I just could not understand why I always was so darn tired that the tiredness physically ached. For many years doctors checked my whole body for several diseases until only a few months ago I learned by chance through information on the Internet that all my former symptoms had only one title: Fibromyalgia. As a matter of fact many doctors do not know what Fibromyalgia really is. At several occasions I got the impression that I even knew more about that disease than the doctors I was talking to.

By now I know that FMS belongs to the group of autoimmune or ‘auto-aggressive’ diseases. These diseases are rather new; twenty years ago there existed only about five autoimmune diseases. Today there are close to 90 such ailments. No wonder physicians have lost the overall view of autoimmune diseases. Nobody can catch up that fast.

Here is what Wikipedia and most Fibromyalgia related websites are telling us what FMS is supposed to be:

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and tactile allodynia. While the criteria for such an entity have not yet been thoroughly developed, the recognition that Fibromyalgia involves more than just pain has led to the frequent use of the term "Fibromyalgia syndrome". It is not contagious, and recent studies suggest that people with Fibromyalgia may be genetically predisposed. The disorder is not directly life-threatening. The degree of symptoms may vary greatly from day to day with periods of flares (severe worsening of symptoms) or remission; however, the disorder is generally perceived as non-progressive.
The defining symptoms of Fibromyalgia are chronic, widespread pain and tenderness to light touch. Other symptoms can include moderate to severe fatigue, a heightened and painful response to gentle touch (allodynia), needle-like tingling of the skin, muscle aches, prolonged muscle spasm, weakness in the limbs, nerve pain, functional bowel disturbances, and chronic sleep disturbance. Sleep disturbances may be related to a phenomenon called alpha-delta sleep, a condition in which deep sleep (associated with delta waves) is frequently interrupted by bursts of alpha waves, which normally occur during wakefulness. Slow-wave sleep is often dramatically reduced.
Many patients experience cognitive dysfunction (known as "brain fog" or "fibrofog"), which may be characterized by impaired concentration, problems with short and long-term memory, short-term memory consolidation, impaired speed of performance, inability to multi-task, cognitive overload, diminished attention span and anxiety and depressive symptoms "Brain fog" may be directly related to the sleep disturbances experienced by sufferers of Fibromyalgia.
Other symptoms often attributed to Fibromyalgia that may possibly be due to a comorbid disorder include myofascial pain syndrome also referred to as Chronic Myofascial Pain, diffuse non-dermatomal paresthesias, functional bowel disturbances and irritable bowel syndrome (possibly linked to lower levels of ghrelin genitourinary symptoms and interstitial cystitis, dermatological disorders, headaches, myoclonid twitches, and symptomatic hypoglycemia. Although Fibromyalgia is classified based on the presence of chronic widespread pain, pain may also be localized in areas such as the shoulders, neck, low back, hips, or other areas. Many sufferers also experience varying degrees of facial pain and have high rates of comorbid temporomandibular joint disorder.
Eye problems such as eye pain, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and fluctuating visual clarity, can also be a symptom of the condition. As a consequence of this sufferers may have to change their lens prescription more often.
Symptoms can have a slow onset, and many patients have mild symptoms beginning in childhood, that are often misdiagnosed as growing pains. Symptoms are often aggravated by unrelated illness or changes in the weather. They can become more tolerable or less tolerable throughout daily or yearly cycles; however, many people with Fibromyalgia find that, at least some of the time, the condition prevents them from performing normal activities such as driving a car or walking up stairs. The disorder does not cause inflammation as is characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis, although some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may temporarily reduce pain symptoms in some patients. Their use, however, is limited, and often of little to no value in pain management.
Not all patients have all symptoms.”
Well, I would say that this is as scientific as I will get in this article. Despite all these very important sounding words, the medical community did not succeed in offering us a real solution so far. I don’t know how about you, but as far as I am concerned I would rather go on listening to my heart, my body and my common sense. So far I have been much better off that way. However, the latest news is that Fibromyalgia is a mitochondrial problem.

However, whatever Fibromyalgia is or is not, for you and me as patients it does not make much of a difference. The symptoms and the pain remain the same, whether the doctors agree with each other or not.

To us it matters:
· whether this disease is curable or not
· whether it will get worse or can be reversed
· how long we will be able to survive with that disease
· whether or not we will ever be pain free
· whether or not we will ever have a night with deep and rejuvenating sleep

However, if you ask any doctor, he or she will tell you that Fibromyalgia was incurable and that we can only get some relief.

I don’t quite agree, because what was considered to be ‘incurable’ 100 years ago is no big deal today.

I must admit that I look at that situation pretty pragmatically and I strongly believe that there is an advantage to us. What is helpful to us about that kind of information is that they help us to open our eyes to new solutions that may work and help more than what we have been given so far. It is that kind of information that forces us to find better solutions. To every problem in the world there have been answers found.

Here’s what I have found:
1. I have found a system that enhances the functioning of the mitochondria and reduces pain close to zero. Two scientists have found out that Fibromyalgia is a mitochondrial problem.
2. I have found products that supplement my body with all the building blocks our body needs to become and remain healthy and through which I could decrease the fatigue and increase memory and concentration.
3. I have found a way to get rid of toxins, waste and heavy metal.
4. I have found a way to increase my concentration and memory.
5. All this together also led to a better sleep.

The combination of these methods has served me well for many years now and I would not want to miss them. I must admit that I am pretty excited about. How much easier can it get? All I had to do was just combining several very easy and simple methods.

What I could do, everybody can do!

Copyright 2009 by Maja Iten

About the Author:

I’m a life and health coach since 1984. I suffered from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for more than 15 years and was even put on disability pension for 8 years. My intensive search for answers and my unwillingness to accept my FMS/CFS to be ‘incurable’ led to new and very interesting answers. Through trial and error I have found a combination of treatments and methods that gave me relief to an extent that I’m now completely symptom free. Because I want to share my experiences with other concerned people I wrote the e-book “Attacking The Incurable – Healthy & Natural Ways of Fibromyalgia Relief”

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

A Message From A Fibromyalgia Patient

I want to thank Maja Iten for her insightful e-book and newsletters on fibromyalgia. I have been in a rut for quite awhile and her works have given me new hope.

In order to understand this little article about fibromyalgia and me you have to understand that I am an organizer. I don’t see myself that way; but when I look back at things I have accomplished, I see the organization that grew out of having too much data and not being able to process it without organizing it.

When I brought my daughter home to homeschool her in the mid 1990s, I didn’t have a clue about homeschooling. I quickly found myself on the internet emailing a group of homeschoolers with whom I shared religious beliefs. We didn’t just discuss homeschooling, we emailed about other things as well. That’s how I learned about fibromyalgia. It was quite an “ah-ha” moment for me to realize that what I had been battling and being depressed about for most of my life was something real—more or less. In the mid 1990s the diagnosis was like Dr. House trying to figure out what was going on, except that fibromyalgia wasn’t supposed to kill anyone.

I’d spent much time and money going to my doctor with weird lists of symptoms. He would pick one to try to help and let the rest go. After all what do you make of headaches, sciatica and plantar faciitis all at the same time? He sent me to an allergist and a podiatrist while trying to figure out the back ache.

After finding out that all these could come under one problem, I was much relieved, at least temporarily. From there I got one of the few books available at the time on the subject and read it cover to cover, making notes as I read. The main idea I got was in order to get a doctor to pay attention to more than one symptom at a time, I would need to write extensive notes on my life, symptoms, diagnoses, etc.

So I wrote about two pages single-spaced and went looking for a doctor. The first one I found came from a big city down our way once a month. I gave him the pages. He poked me in lots of places that all hurt. He said I had fibromyalgia and needed to do three things: get good nights’ sleep, exercise and lose weight. Of course, he didn’t offer any useful advice about how to do those things.

I saw him for awhile and then went to another doctor. I asked the first doctor for my records and got them in a sealed envelope. This was my problem and he wanted me to ignore his remarks? No way. I opened the envelope and was shocked by what he had written. He called me “a nut job” because of my two page single-spaced report. I only did what the book told me to do. What kind of doctor makes those kinds of notes anyway?

The next doctor saw me every month or so, took blood, asked how I was and told me he didn’t give pain medicine. He didn’t give me anything to help me do the three needful things, either. I finally quit going and gave up.

I was very depressed much of the time, but I also would become jazzed up from lack of sleep and get a lot accomplished for a few months. One time I got so hyperactive, loud and obnoxious that a friend of mine told me I needed to see a psychiatrist right away. I went and suddenly I found someone who was willing to help me with the fibromyalgia because it overlapped what she said I had—bipolar disease. Suddenly I had help with the sleep problems and also with the pain.
I had been wondering for years if I was depressed because I was in pain or in pain because I was depressed. When I was no longer as depressed, I realized I still was in pain. So maybe I had been depressed because of the pain. I still wasn’t convinced. When I then couldn’t sleep because I was in pain, I would get hypo-manic. I’d get things done, but I was still in pain. So, it appeared that the pain was separate from my mental state. The psychiatrist gave me some pain pills. I still take them, but only when I am in severe pain. I hoarded the pills because I was always afraid the doctor would stop giving them to me. Later I found a family doctor willing to give me the pills as long as I don’t ask for them very often.

I sleep very well now, but I have gained weight because I have been eating unhealthily and I don’t exercise. When I hurt, I don’t want to go for a walk or ride my stationary bike. I try to do what I know is right, but I find myself being very noncompliant after a short push to be good.
So I am focusing on one thing at a time. I am currently experimenting with natural remedies for dealing with the pain. Health food stores are full of products for pain made of different nutritional ingredients. If I can feel better, maybe I can work up the enthusiasm to exercise.

I’ve learned a lot in the past 15 years about myself and my relation to doctors. I have too much respect for myself to put up with doctors like the first ones I had ever again. I still need to respect myself enough to work on feeling better. Works like those of Maja Iten have given me new encouragement.

I have also learned that I am not my dis-eases. I am not bipolar or fibromyalgiac.

I am me.

--Ann Mullen, Texas

Montag, 12. Januar 2009


Dear health-concerned friend,

Welcome to my new blog about "Natural Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Relief".

This is a place where you can share your information and experiences regarding natural and alternative ways for Fibromyalgia and CFS.

However, please don't promote your own products and don't mention any brand names. If this is what you want, then you would have to create your own blog.

My reason for offering this blog is to share my experiences with other people. I have had fibromyalgia and CFS for almost 14 years and not physician could help me. So I had to search for a solution myself. Through trial and error and after spending tens of thousands of dollars I have found a way that works for me. Today I'm symptom-free and I would like to share my experiences with other concerned people.

If you want to learn more about my way and the 4 pillars to natural pain relief, please visit my website

Thanks again for visiting my blog and enjoy.


Maja Iten